bernie sanders

Not pictured: Sarandon, for the sake of my blood pressure.

Susan Sarandon And The World's Oldest Wombat

I want to know how much yoga a person would have to do to be able to vote with their vagina. And kegels. Sooooo many kegels.

The road to the White House is paved for women because Hillary Clinton poured the pavement herself — while all around, rocks were thrown her way.

I Hope My Daughter Looks Up To Hillary Clinton — Even Though I Won't Vote For Her

She is the type of woman I hope my daughter looks up to, a successful feminist role model if there ever was any. She is strong in the face of adversity. She does not cower when criticized. She knows that her words and actions are powerful, and is not afraid of those who would call her bossy, grating, shrill, yelling — when all she is really doing is being a leader. It is powerful for a growing girl to watch a woman like that thrive.


Top Twitter Hashtags Of Election 2016 (So Fun)

The 2016 election has, for a while now, felt eerily akin to 1984 (lots ‘o doublespeak coming out of Trump and his supporters). Or The Hunger Games, to take a more recent example of dystopian genre fiction. Wherein, government becomes solely about politics and the media spectacle, rather than actual policies and ideas.


Birbs We Love: Birb (A Birb)

Birb was truly a delight, and I hope you enjoy their sweet way of speaking and thinking about the world as I do.

It’s entirely possible to have a top tier of campaign staffers that looks like a frat party in a sausage factory.

Guess How Much Women Make On The Campaign Trail? (Not A Lot)

Women are a big topic in politics. Whether you’re the first viable female presidential candidate, stumping for paid parental leave, campaigning on reducing access to abortion, or — if you're Donald Trump — talking about female reporters being on their period, the topic of women is inescapable on the campaign trail. You can't win an election without women. Well, women voters.

But can you win an election without any women on your senior staff?

Donald Trump. Image: YouTube.

Donald Trump Has Officially Destroyed The Republican Party

I recognize there are loads of readers who think the Republican Party’s demise is nothing to cry about. I get that. But for centuries, our country has relied on two strong, restrained parties that operate along shared political norms.

Sex work is not a crime.

Jeremy Corbyn And The Decriminalization Of Sex Work

“If you believe in the decriminalisation of sex work,” Ian Dunt rightfully points out, “you will instantly come under a sustained and highly emotive attack on your morality and your identity.” In this vein, when a man comes out in favor of sex worker’s rights, he becomes “a betrayer of women, a gender Judas encouraging violence against them.”

Photo credit: Whisper

Recap: Trump Trumps Tuesday — Again. Time To Turn Off The TV

Hello, Americans. Another Wednesday morning, another nightmare day after Tuesday voting. What happened last night? Donald Trump won three out of four states.
