self love

"I feel more at home in my own skin, like I have less to hide. I walk through knowing that my body, and all of our bodies, are just as they should be."

Getting Naked With My Friends Was The Most Body Positive Experience of My Life

I told myself that I was not freaked out. I was not a prude. The truth was I was very freaked out. Yet, getting naked with my friends was so body positive.

"I inhabited my body instead of observing it."

5 Truly Simple, Purely Practical Tips For Everyday Body Positivity

I'm all about body positivity practices that require self reflection a

"I inhabited my body instead of observing it."

5 Truly Simple, Purely Practical Tips For Everyday Body Positivity

I'm all about body positivity practices that require self reflection a

Give yourself love, even when you don't feel deserving.

#MondaysWithMatt: Love Yourself, Even When You Don't Like Yourself

Even on the days you've made a mistake, or hurt someone, or otherwise messed up and caused yourself to doubt whether or not you like you, it's sti

I had never had a problem with loving myself, until now. (Image: Thinkstock)

I Am Body Positive, Just Not When It Comes To Myself

But I was yet to face the cold, hard fact that my lack of acceptance for my own body, was really a lack of acceptance for all the bodies I had falsely embraced for so long. Could I really love someone else’s ample stomach, when I could not love my own?


Mondays With Matt: The Only Thing You Are Responsible For...Is Your Life

"The universe is a big, dark, cold empty space — but you're not any of that. You're a light."


#MondayMotivation With Matt Joseph Diaz: Find What Fuels You

This week: Find what fuels you, and don't beat yourself up if what's fueling you right now is "surviving."

The BIG Bang McGillicuddy.

Why I Strip

“Why would you do that? You have a daughter. Why would you put yourself in that position?”
