Jody Amable

Jody Amable


Born and raised in the Bay Area, Jody Amable is a freelance writer and editor specializing in music coverage. When she's not working, she's probably baking, attempting to learn the accordion, or watching a Law & Order episode she's seen 20 times already.

Jody Amable Articles

Credit: Thinkstock

Confessions Of A Female Classic-Rock Geek

Like most nerd realms, music writing is a predominantly male world. Especially if, like me, your greatest love is classic rock.

So, like, am I a fan now, everyone? Image: Thinkstock.

A Grown-A** Woman Reads Harry Potter: Drunk Hogwarts History Edition

The neighbors turned their lights off. My dog fell sound asleep. I kept reading. And at 1:03 am, I finished. All was well.


Adia Victoria: Southern-Born Songstress

Creator of grungy, gritty rock and roll with a poet’s heart, her critically-lauded record, Beyond the Bloodhounds, tells tales of a tumultuous childhood and split geographical identity.


Listen To This: Natalie Lurie, "I Was Gold"

A new feature with music picks tailor-made to ensure your weekend jam sessions are absolutely ravishing.

Image courtesy of Pumpkin the Raccoon. Thanks for the spoiler, Pumpkin. >:(

A Grown-A** Woman Reads Harry Potter: Everyone You Love Will Eventually Die

Forget a cute story of wizard wonderment — the real moral of Harry Potter is that life is an endless parade of pain and turmoil where you have to watch everyone you’ve ever loved die.

“How are you?” he said as I passed him. And that’s when I started to panic a bit. Image: Christian Koch/Unsplash.

Worst Feminist Ever: What Do I Do When An Old Guy Calls Me 'Sweetie'?

If I let everyone off the hook for extenuating circumstances like, “He’s over 50, so he probably just doesn’t know any better,” no one’s ever going to stop calling me “sweetie.”

These books have made me so suspicious. Image: Warner Brothers.

22 Thoughts I Had While Reading The First 250 Pages Of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

FINALLY someone acknowledges professional boundaries at Hogwarts.


Best Twitter Responses To Laughably Sexist Men's Health Sports Headline

According to the magazine, women need special help understanding sports. Cue the glorious, hilarious Twitter outrage.


A Tribute To Molly, The American Girl Doll For The Geeks Among Us

In this time of toy-giving, I'm reflecting on the impact one doll made on me and, I'm willing to bet, a small subset of other girls, too.

Support your local brick-and-mortar bookstore! Image: Jody Amable.

A Grown-A** Woman Reads Harry Potter: The Magic of Death 

So far, Deathly Hallows is, to me, about the divide between the living, the dead, and the living who have seen death. Harry and I are part of an exclusive club: Those under 30 who have experienced death. And when I say “experienced,” I don’t mean “witnessed.” I mean really, really felt it, all the way through.
