
It's Official: Study Confirms Casual Sex Can be Amazing

People who like casual sex aren't actually deranged freaks. Is it time to stop judging no-strings-attached lovers?


How to Break the Vicious Cycle of Heartbreak

You date someone. You fall hard. You get dumped cruelly. You're angry. Then, you date someone else and do the exact same thing. Why?


Why it was Stupid to Obsess over Monica Lewinksy, Like Ever

Why are Americans still so obsessed with one president's philandering? Don't we have anything better to worry and wonder about?


Why Mom Knows Best When It Comes to Your Love Life

This Mother's Day, give your mom the gift of opening up.


Why Ghana and Spain Will Never be Friends: Countries Weigh in on Sexual Morality

What do different countries think about extramarital sex, premarital sex and homosexuality? A new Pew poll says...


Don't Blame Your Broken Heart on Social Media, Blame it On Your Narcissism

Passing notes and blowing kisses are more effective than tweets, didyaknow?


How the Media Botched the Story of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's (Alleged) Open Relationship

Tabs feed so many myths about consensual non-monogamy, it's hard to keep them straight.


Deconstructing Relationships and Love: What Will Be the Millennial Legacy?

As the children of The Divorced, perhaps we've witnessed too many firsthand crumbled couplings to blithely take on our own.
