
This is how Hollywood's treatment of minorities and women makes us feel (Credit: ThinkStock)

3 Ways Hollywood is Failing Minorities, Women and the LGBTQ Community

You know it's bad when mutant nina turtles get better treatment on screen than some humans in this country. What gives?


This Day in History: The Beatles' Famed Concert at Shea Stadium

We share some surprising facts about the concert that marked the pinnacle of Beatlemania.


Japanese Artist Arrested for (Yes) 3D Vagina Work

Rokudenashiko makes beautiful art out of molds of her vagina. Japan does not approve.


Watch and Marvel: Workers Take 7 Minutes to Make Japanese Trains Immaculate

That's got to be stressful, but at least they get a solid workout?


High on History: How Soviet Kitchens Saved Civil Society

Mass housing projects in the 1950s provided Soviet citizens with their very own kitchens—and free speech enjoyed a domestic Renaissance.


People with Weird Families, Rejoice: My Big Fat Greek Wedding is Getting a Sequel!

Here's why we're stoked about news of a Big Fat Greek sequel.


Life Aboard a Nuclear Submarine: Ke$ha, Hashtags and Other Hijinks

Sub life is all about rules. Luckily, those rules can be hilarious.


Celebrity: A Charmed Life or a Media-blitzed Hell?

In a world obsessed with celebrity – the rich and famous are finally clamoring to climb down the towering pedestals we've placed them on. Alec Baldwin's latest open letter on Vulture reveals the anguish of a public life and a not-so-fond farewell to celebrity worship.
