The FDA released new label guidelines for Mifeprex, also known as mifepristone.

New FDA Medical Abortion Guidelines To Allow At-Home Procedure

It’s that last phrase — “at a location appropriate to the patient” — that is the biggest deal. What that means is the doctor and patient can, together, decide where the patient can take the second dose and complete the abortion process. For many (if not most) patients, the most appropriate location is at home.


Should The FDA Regulate Makeup?

Like all federal agencies since the beginning of time, the FDA's rep is shrouded in accusations of bribery, lethargy, and inefficiency.

You know I'm all about that vape, bout that vape. Credit: Thinkstock

Welcome "Vape": 2014's Controversial Word Of The Year!

Bravo for choosing a controversial word, Oxford Dictionary.


Watch: Wedding Party Guests Imbibe Fireball Whiskey, Awesomeness Ensues

Drink, and watch, responsibly.


That "New Car" Smell Could Be The Ass Gland Of A Beaver

Castoreum—a yellowy gland goo from a beaver—is in just about everything, from cars and cosmetics to your favorite short-cake.


Is It Time to Ditch Bottled Water Once and For All?

In terms of taste, healthiness and price, tap and spring are the way to go.
