
Credit: Facebook

Sorry, Amal Clooney, But I Disagree: Why I Won't Be Taking My Future Husband's Last Name

My aversion to taking the last name of my partner isn't so much about feminism, as it is about identity.

Ladies love Oscar, for all the right reasons. Courtesy of, Facebook

We Say Goodbye To Oscar de la Renta: Designer, Philanthropist, Feminist

Oscar de la Renta was an iconic designer and so much more than that.


Rossalyn Warren: BuzzFeed Star, Badass Women Aficionado

internet journalism wunderkind. twitter visionary. women in media advocate.

Illustrations by Sami Cronk (samicronk.com)

Death Is The Only Way Out Of This Body

Hot off the presses from Quail Bell magazine's Issue 6—Feminism. (Stay tuned for our review next week.)


Sci-Fi Saturday: Attack Of The 50-Foot Woman Feminist Review

This classic film takes the cautionary tale into the "supersonic age," foregoing a cerebral edge in favor of murder and a giantess fetish.


Watch Aziz Ansari Break Down Feminism

Aziz asked fellow feminists in Letterman's audience to clap. Let’s just say the applause . . . was less than overwhelming.


Soraya Chemaly: Writer, Activist, Media Critic

proud feminist. women's rights advocate. anti-troller.


Ravishly Interviews Ed Holtom, Feminist Teen Turned Internet Sensation 

What happens when a 15-year-old boy writes an eloquent letter about feminism? The world goes crazy for him.
