gender-based violence

"When I told my husband that his relative comfort on a city street is evidence of his male privilege, the look on his face implied that this was news to him." Image: Thinkstock

Explaining To A Man What It's Like To Be A Woman And Afraid

My now-husband was stunned the first time I told him what I do while walking alone. I mentioned behavior typical of so many city-dwelling women: carrying pepper spray, checking my back every block, trying to look confident while struggling to properly breathe. After a moment of silence, he teared up and said, “I don’t want you to have to worry.”


Art Project Memorializes Victims Of Femicide

In the ongoing fight for recognition, women silenced by violence are finally being heard.

A 14-year-old Syrian refugee in Lebanon holds a photograph of her fiancé. The marriage was arranged by her parents, but the child was unhappy. Credit: Facebook

16 Days Of Activism: Combating The Global Scourge Of Child Marriage

For this year's 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the UN Refugee Agency is zeroing in on child marriage.


16 Days Of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

A UN campaign is shedding light on the global pandemic of violence against women.
