new parents

Even if you desperately need help, even if you want it, it's sometimes very hard to ask for it. Here are easy ways to help a new parent!

Easy Ways To Help A New Parent

Even if you desperately need help, even if you want it, it's sometimes very hard to ask for it. So here are some easy ways to help a new parent!

"Attachment parenting is an easy thing to get wrapped up in and it’s an easy thing to feel like you’ve failed at, primarily because there are defined and demanding benchmarks."

Attachment Parenting Wrecked Me

It is understood that to effectively and officially attachment parent your child, you need to hit all the markers, check all the boxes, and do it without dissolving into a crying mess on the floor when your baby won’t stop crying and you only slept for two hours and you have to go to the supermarket because you’re out of coffee, but you shouldn’t even be DRINKING coffee and you’re the worst mother in the world.


Ten Things I Did As A New Parent That I Would Never Do Again

As a first time parent, there are always things you do because you're a nervous newbie who's learning on the go. Or in other words, new parenting is basically trial-by-fire, and sometimes it can be explosive –– especially those breastfed baby poops.


For The Love Of GOD, Stop Asking New Moms These Questions

Instead of asking these questions, here's what you can do: Bring that new mommy a lasagna (or ask her what she has a craving for). Tell her the baby is beautiful. Tell her that she's doing a wonderful job. Ask her how she's doing, how she's feeling. Ask her what she needs.


Why Are Infertile Couples Slamming Shutterfly?

An inadvertently sent "congratulations . . . new parent" email has set off a Twitter firestorm.
