
But now the jig was officially up. My daughter knew Santa isn't real.

Why Telling My Daughter "Santa Isn't Real" Was More Liberating Than Sad      

The jig was officially up. My daughter knew Santa isn't real. Had I ruined Christmas? Destroyed her sense of childlike wonder? Killed her holiday spirit?

A Letter To Santa, From A Jewish Girl

A Letter To Santa, From A Jewish Girl 

This is a letter to Santa, from a Jewish girl. Shalom Santa, Do you remember me? I love you, Santa, and I’m just wondering why we can’t be friends.

That's right, Santa's a verb now.

The Santa Claus Dilemma: To Santa Or Not To Santa? 

My partner and I are trying to decide whether we want to Santa our daughter or not. We want to encourage honesty, and there's something about Santa that doesn't feel totally honest...
