
Bad Tourist by Suzanne Roberts

Cover Reveal: A First Look At Suzanne Roberts' Bad Tourist

Ravishly presents a first look at the cover for Suzanne Roberts' Bad Tourist: Misadventures in Love and Travel (University of Nebraska Press, October 2020).

Bad Tourist

Both a memoir in travel essays and an anti-guidebook, Bad Tourist takes us across four continents to fifteen countries, showing us what not to do when traveling. A woman learning to claim her own desires and adventures, Suzanne Roberts encounters lightning and landslides, sharks and piranha-infested waters, a nightclub drugging, burning bodies, and brief affairs as she searches for the love of her life and finally herself.

I'm answering all of those early pregnancy questions so you can stop Googling!

16 Common Early Pregnancy Questions You're Too Afraid To Ask

You're pregnant, and you’re worried. I get it, I have six kids! So I'm answering common early pregnancy questions so you can worry less.

Photo courtesy of the author.

Just Walk: An Excerpt From The Buddha Sat Right Here

Here I have one task — walk. No schedules to keep. No to-do list. Nobody paging me or pulling at my attention.

The Christmas travel was taking more and more tolls on our bodies, and we were getting grumpier every year. (Photo courtesy of the author.)

I Refuse To Spend Christmas With My Family & I'm Happier For It

The Christmas travel was taking more and more tolls on our bodies, and we were getting grumpier every year.

Are vacations fat friendly? It can be tiring for plus-sized people to continually have to prove that they are worthy of excitement and adventure.

Are Vacations Fat Friendly?

Are vacations fat friendly? It can be tiring for plus-sized people to continually have to prove that they are worthy of excitement and adventure.

Photo by Philippe Murray-Pietsch on Unsplash

Family Vacation Survival Guide

Summer is officially upon us, and with it comes epic family vacation plans sure to generate tales of your family’s (mis)adventures for years to come.

Anxiety can involve a fear of the unexpected, and thinking about how the trip will go can feel so disastrous and foreboding.

How To Travel When You Have Anxiety

Anxiety can involve a fear of the unexpected, and thinking about how the trip will go can feel so disastrous and foreboding.

If I couldn’t find clothes that fit me while I viewed the Eiffel Tower sparkling at night or sipped on a proper cappuccino in Milan, was the world really mine to occupy?

Shopping Abroad Is Tough When You're Black And Plus-Size

If I couldn’t find clothes that fit me while I viewed the Eiffel Tower at night or sipped on a proper cappuccino, was the world really mine to occupy?
