Taylor Swift Dethrones Kim Kardashian, Who Dethroned Beyoncé

SO in Today's Who Really Gives A Shit news, TAYLOR SWIFT overthrows Kim K. as Instagram Queen, who overthrew Beyoncé, who overthrew Ariana Grande, who overthrew I DON'T HAVE ANY CLUE. These people SING and Kim doesn't really do anything AT ALL. What does Kim even do? 

In 2014 the clear winner was Justin Bieber, but he isn't even in the Top 5 now. SORRY, JUSTIN. You'll have to cry more in public if you want to re-gain your place in The Instagram Hierarchy. 

Back to the matter at hand. 

For reference, Taylor's last photo (shown below) had 1.9 MILLION likes. But it was of her and a cat, so, obviously. 

image screenshot of Taylor Swift's IG

Now, I would be amiss if I didn't point out that Taylor just barely has a lead on Kim. However, Taylor's most recent photo (See: cat) with the aforementioned 1.8 million likes is FAR more than DOUBLE Kim's most recent picture — which includes Serena Williams and TEA. I don't know why that doesn't have at least 2 million likes. But the point is Kim has more followers than Bey, but less engaged followers — which I think only further proves that Beyoncé is the undeniable winner. 

What is even HAPPENING.

Justin's most recent photo (which is about BOOKS) only has 228K. I think this is a pretty clear indicator of the overall interests of this country (which is exactly why this very article won out over one about Syrian refugees fleeing to Germany.) We are a shamelessly shallow nation. 

And here is Taylor Swift singing some stuff (which has 1+ BILLION views, but who's counting.)

So what if Taylor's vids have like quadruple the views of Bey. I don't really care about ANY of this shit because Beyoncé is the Queen. FOREVER.

Um, here's the actual Queen.

I'm not even sure what I just wrote. 

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