Joni Edelman

Joni Edelman


Joni Edelman is a 40 year-old mother of five (ages 3 to19!), wife, RN, and freelance writer. Also notable, had a baby in her kitchen. Favorite activities include: gardening, hoarding yarn, cake (baking and eating). Less favorite activities include: laundry, laundry, laundry. Joni has appeared on The Today Show, Inside Edition, The Rachael Ray Show, Weekend Sunrise Australia, Canada AM, and Sirius Radio. In print you can find Joni's story in The Daily Mail, The Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, Yahoo, and a host of others, but you're probably bored of all this nonsense by now. Completely understandable. Joni aspires to inspire. You can check out her personal website here.

Joni Edelman Articles

Credit: Flickr/karina3094

Kelly Clarkson's Weight Is Not News

As long as I can remember having paid attention to the media, I can remember a woman's weight—or body in general—being a news story.

Who's panicking? Not me. Image: Joni Edelman.

My Mammogram Revealed 'Abnormal' Tissue. They Told Me Not To Panic. I Panicked.

Do you want people to for-sure panic? Tell them not to panic.

Credit: ThinkStock

Reflections On The Post-Baby Body

Good god, where will I ever find someone who will love me in such a pitiful condition?

Credit: Thinkstock

On Internalized Misogyny And Female Grooming

Can we just take a pause to consider all of the total fucking bullshit to which we subject ourselves?

OCD is way more complicated than organized mugs.

OCD Week With Ravishly's Resident Mental Health Ladies

When I was little, any time I got an insect bite or stubbed my toe, I had to ask my mom, “Am I going to die? If I was going to die from this, I’d already be dead — right?” I also had a 30-minute prayer that I needed to say at each meal or else everyone would be poisoned and die. And corners. I had to check all of them before I went to bed.


Kelsey Miller: Author Of Big Girl

You should know that she is a really awesome human.

Credit: ThinkStock

Dear Media: A Millionaire Dad Staying Home With The Kids Is Not Newsworthy 

As a stay-at-home mom, I've made plenty of sacrifices. Where are my accolades?


The Epic Myth Of The Sleeping Toddler

It seems that "at 18 months, almost 60% of toddlers were sleeping for 13 to 14 hours per night." HAHA you're so funny Reuters!


Mormon Church Comes Out "In Favor" Of LGBT Rights, I Call Bullshit

As a former Mormon, the Church's revelation that they're going to start “loving and accepting” the LGBT community makes me laugh. Hard.

Screw beauty standards.

#RavsReaders: Chrystal — Mom, Teacher, Lover Of Donuts 

As a celebration of the Ravishly community, we welcome you to #RavsReaders, a weekly feature where we'll spotlight one of our beloved readers.
