body image

Image: Elizabeth Barnwell Photography from her project Still:Life (

Body Positivity And The Ebb And Flow Of Self-Worth

Taking the time to find clothes that I liked, to dye my hair, and get tattooed — for the first time I was building a place of my own.

When I lost that ability for a while, being too weak and swollen to really put the effort in, it felt like I’d lost a part of myself. It felt like I’d regressed, like I’d gotten to the finish line and was forced back into the race.

This is the trap we fall into when we discuss recovery, emotional development, mental health, or body image: believing there’s a destination.

The BIG Bang McGillicuddy.

Why I Strip

“Why would you do that? You have a daughter. Why would you put yourself in that position?”

I'll let you in on a little secret - being thin didn't make me happy, but being "Fat" does!

Being Thin Didn't Make Me Happy, But Being "Fat" Does 

I'll let you in on a little secret - being thin didn't make me happy, but being "Fat" does! Be fat and happy. Be unapologetically fat.

One person's 'plus size' is another person's 'perfect size.'

I Went From My Ideal Weight To Plus Size In Five Minutes

In my late 20s, a neuromuscular disease affected my ability to swallow normally, and I couldn’t eat enough to maintain a healthy weight. Every bite posed a choking hazard, and despite the fact that I would spend hours laboring to swallow meals, I continued to lose body mass. I was poorly nourished, and I looked it.

Tackling your daughter's body insecurities is anything but easy.

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Her Body

As if parenting wasn't challenging enough, sometimes you actually have to talk to your children. Not only do you have to speak with them, but you want to do it in a way that will have positive and lasting results.

Just eat the burger.

The Reasons Why You Are Binge Eating And How I Stopped

I was a binge eater for the first 24 years of my life. As far back as I can remember, I would binge on food. My mom was a health nut and very judgmental about junk, and I wanted Goldfish, goddamnit! I felt like all that almond butter was stopping me from having a full childhood. And so I did my best to get in as many Cheez-Its and Fruit Loops and Snickers when I could.

Decisions, decisions...

5 Things I Learned While Counting Calories For A Week

I’m always thinking about what and when I’m going to eat. But when I started counting calories, I was anticipating my meals even more. I was ravenous, like a starved dog -- despite not being starving at all.

Whew. Did someone turn the heat up?

How To Love A Sexual Partner With Body Image Issues

Kiss her slowly, touch her face, gently tug on her hair — before you even make your way down to her breasts. Many women with body image issues are most self-conscious about their stomach, so when you get to her waist, hold on to her tight and bring her closer to you.
