
“How are you?” he said as I passed him. And that’s when I started to panic a bit. Image: Christian Koch/Unsplash.

Worst Feminist Ever: What Do I Do When An Old Guy Calls Me 'Sweetie'?

If I let everyone off the hook for extenuating circumstances like, “He’s over 50, so he probably just doesn’t know any better,” no one’s ever going to stop calling me “sweetie.”

I somehow manage to forget from one summer to the next just how frustrating it can be to merely exist in public spaces when it’s warm outside. Image: Yegide Matthews/ Unsplash.

Summer Shouldn't Be Open Season On Women's Bodies

I decided to spend a few hours running errands in the summer sunshine while audaciously wearing a loose-fitting baby doll dress, comfy flats, and a denim vest. Apparently my need to keep my legs ventilated served as a Bat-Signal to the fine men of Gotham, who were drawn by its golden glow to yell stuff at me every five minutes.


Laura Bates: Author Of Everyday Sexism, Full-Time Fighter Of The Good Fight

After receiving more than 100,000 accounts from women and girls around the world, Laura has compiled the stories and lessons from Everyday Sexism into a book named after the project.

Emily May

Emily May Gives A Hollaback! Against Street Harassment

"The upside of the Internet, social media, and digital photography is that victims can now record actions of offenders and share them with a community of supportive allies. May emphasized the importance of bystander intervention. “If you see someone getting hurt, you get involved.” It’s a key piece of the Hollaback! philosophy. May suggested using Twitter as one way to help report incidents of harmful behavior."

Street Harassment With Kids

Not OK: Street Harassment When I'm With My Child

It’s bad enough when I’m street harassed out by myself — I feel vulnerable and deciding how to respond can be hard. But it gets really complicated when I’m harassed and with my child.

Credit: Thinkstock

I'm A Feminist Who's Flattered By Catcalling

What kind of feminist must I be if I feel complimented by street harassment?

Credit: Facebook

Playboy's Progressive New Direction

Is the company that's famous for dressing women like bunnies starting to *gasp* see women as people, too?


Sugar, Spice And Everything Nice: The Dangerous Myth Of Boys Being Boys

Why does our culture rush to the defense and rationalization of boys' sexual aggression, when it’s clearly at the expense of girls?
