Marcia G. Yerman

Marcia G. Yerman


Marcia G. Yerman, based in New York City, writes profiles, interviews, essays, and articles focusing on women’s issues, human rights, the environment, politics, health, culture and the arts.  Her work has been published by the New York Times, AlterNet, EmpowHER, Moms Clean Air Force, RoleReboot, The Raw Story, Women News Network, RH Reality Check, Women Make News and The Women’s Media Center. She has permanent verticals at The Huffington Post, OpEdNews, and Medium. Her articles are archived at 

Marcia G. Yerman Articles

Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox.

Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox

Hillary embodies the different hats that women wear. Why so much criticism from the sisterhood when one hat is exchanged one for another?

Laly Cholak arrives on Capitol Hill to lobby Congress on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars

After Fire: The Challenges Facing Female Veterans

“Every day is Veteran’s Day,” says a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) team in

You're gonna want to know about this.

New Technology Gives Breast Cancer Patients More Options

One of the top things a doctor can do for a patient is to empower them to be part of the decision-making process by giving them a full range of options around their treatment. The days of paternalistic practitioners are in decline.

Emily May

Emily May Gives A Hollaback! Against Street Harassment

"The upside of the Internet, social media, and digital photography is that victims can now record actions of offenders and share them with a community of supportive allies. May emphasized the importance of bystander intervention. “If you see someone getting hurt, you get involved.” It’s a key piece of the Hollaback! philosophy. May suggested using Twitter as one way to help report incidents of harmful behavior."

#MomentofTruth shares real stories, to promote real healing.

#MomentOfTruth: Documenting Hate And Harassment

Americans hoped that when the election was over, there would be a decrease in the rampant uncivil discourse unleashed during the course of the 2016


Wrap It Up! February Is National Condom Month

The condom, when used accurately, has an efficacy rate of 97 percent protection against pregnancy. New textures, aromas, and sizing options have created plenty of choices.

"What do we know about the potential second-in-command?"

Mike Pence: No Friend To Women (And Lots Of Other Folks)

Pence has brought national attention to his state of Indiana because of his extreme views on abortion, as well as his perspective on the civil rights of those in the LGBT community. His goals for “affirming the value of all human life” appear to be selective.

There is power in numbers (Image Credit: klique)

Klique App And "It’s On Us" Partner To Prevent Sexual Assault On Campus

Klique, a new app, helps students socialize in groups. The goal is to promote safety by supporting users to always come and leave group outings with their “klique” alongside.

"On June 30, WVWVAF released a poll that took the pulse of 2,700 likely voters during the time period of June 11 to June 20. It revealed a significant “marriage gap” of +40 points." Image: author

Unmarried Women Have The Power To Decide The Election

The conventions are over. Both parties’ tickets are chosen. Pollsters will now be working furiously to parse the numbers on how the electorate is shaping up. Specifically under the microscope will be women.


Gwyneth Paltrow: The Scoop On Goop, Business, And Family

“At the end of the day, I’m a mom,” said Paltrow. She touched on her relationship with her ex and “co-parenting through a divorce,” stating, “Our children are our priority. Our values are around family.”
