
When you ask if my girlfriend and I are sisters, I am going to think you are nosy, because what difference does it make? Image: Thinkstock.

Dear Strangers: Please Stop Asking If My Girlfriend And I Are Sisters

For some reason, the idea that two women are related and together in public is somehow so exciting that it must be made known to everyone within a mile radius.


The Heroic Mothers Of Lost Children

The prevailing myth was that women had an unfair advantage in custody battles and that men were discriminated against.

Image Credit: Garge Skidmore

Can We NOT Call Hillary A Ballbuster This Time Around?

I was all set to write a lighthearted piece here about KFC’s new line of flavored nail polish. Yes, you did read that right. KFC has a line of nail polishes that come in “original recipe” and “hot and spicy” and they would LITERALLY make your nails finger lickin’ good. I mean OMG! Sadly, they’re only available in Hong Kong.

THEIR nipples were freed — why not mine? Image: Thinkstock.

Free The Nipple Is More Than Just 'First-World' Feminism

It was at about this time last year that the Free the Nipple movement first gained steam, as women and male allies around the world responded to Lina Esco’s critically-acclaimed film of the same name by staging peaceful — and, of course, topless — protests.

As a woman, I’ve sadly had to grow accustomed to being attacked for simply having and expressing an opinion. Image: Thinkstock.

I Shouldn't Have To Be Your Mother, Sister, Or Wife To Be Respected Online

[CN: misogynistic online harassment; death threats; mentions of rape and child abuse] You shouldn't have to go to a great imaginative effort to humanize a woman to treat her like a human being. Spoiler alert — she's already a human being without you knowing her or caring for her or seeing her as a long-lost relative or even agreeing with her.

At first — I’m slightly embarrassed to admit — I mourned this loss.

I'm Middle-Aged, A Woman, And Invisible

Firmly middle-aged due to my 47 years, I’m fat and everything about me pretty much screams “Mom.” This means I no longer get sexually harassed. The closest I’ve gotten to being hit on in the last 10 or so years was that time a homeless man tried to touch my hair after I left the salon.

When it comes to the male gaze, I am now officially invisible.


Laura Bates: Author Of Everyday Sexism, Full-Time Fighter Of The Good Fight

After receiving more than 100,000 accounts from women and girls around the world, Laura has compiled the stories and lessons from Everyday Sexism into a book named after the project.

Women deserve more.

Showdown Over Calvin Klein's Sexist Billboard

In her letter to CEO Steve Shiffman, Zak pointed out, “You and I view the world very differently. I believe women can do anything, and that we should take every possible opportunity to teach and remind them of that. Anything less, in this day and age, is irresponsible marketing.”
