

Why Is Etsy Banning These Rad Period-Themed Accessories?

Periods happen. They just do. This is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It’s just a thing. Like how hunger happens, or or a sneeze happens. It’s a body thing that… happens.

I somehow manage to forget from one summer to the next just how frustrating it can be to merely exist in public spaces when it’s warm outside. Image: Yegide Matthews/ Unsplash.

Summer Shouldn't Be Open Season On Women's Bodies

I decided to spend a few hours running errands in the summer sunshine while audaciously wearing a loose-fitting baby doll dress, comfy flats, and a denim vest. Apparently my need to keep my legs ventilated served as a Bat-Signal to the fine men of Gotham, who were drawn by its golden glow to yell stuff at me every five minutes.

I wasn’t simply an accessory to misogynistic behavior — I was actively participating in it. Image: Thinkstock.

'One Of The Guys': On Cool Girls And Internalized Misogyny

I felt unique in my passion for martial arts, my affinity for Call of Duty, my go-with-the-flow attitude toward boyish adventures. I wanted to be “one of the guys,” while still retaining the distinction of my sexuality. I longed to be the quintessential cool girl — desirable yet approachable. But in retrospect, all that really amounted to internalized misogyny.

Men like him understand there are little to no consequences for their actions. Image: Pixabay.

Brock Turner Will Rape Again. I Know, Because I've Been Assaulted By Men Like Him.

[N]o one held my molester down and called the police for what he did to me. He was quietly escorted away, and over the course of a few months, the whispers of support turned into accusations.

Image: Roman Kraft/Unsplash.

Five Badass Women You Didn't Learn About In History Class

There is such a dearth of female historical figures that the natural inclination is to assume everything important was said or done by men; barring that, it’s to attribute it to the same rotation of important women in history: Eleanor Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, Cleopatra, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and so on.

Even when I make a conscious effort not to apologize for my mere presence as a woman, it's incredibly difficult to avoid. Image: Scott Webb/Pexels.

Joining A Gym Made Me Realize I'm Failing At Feminism

For the first time in my life, I realized how much time I’ve spent tip-toeing around what I have inherently felt was a “man's world”: from the gym to simply being able to walk down the street knowing my body would be judged.

I say — fuck the high road. Image: Virgie Tovar.

Take The Cake: An Open Letter To The Woman Who Gave Me Stink Eye For My VBO

If you asked me to guess what was going through her head, I would say she was in shock that a fat lady would wear a tight skirt, belly in full sight. This feminist act of taking up space, tacitly but clearly making room for myself in a fatphobic culture, is a bold-but-crucial move if you’re my brand of fat babe.

Hillary’s “inevitable” status is not yet guaranteed.

5 Ways Hillary Could Win Over Bernie Supporters

The best way of bringing in Sanders supporters is not to berate them into party loyalty, but to steal them away.
