Aja Barber

Aja Barber


Aja Barber is a TV producer who really loves fashion, writing, social justice, art, ballet, and reading. Sometimes she shops for people. She is still figuring out how to pack that all into the perfect job. If anyone has any suggestions, please contact her and she will treat you to a fancy coffee. 

Aja Barber Articles

image credit: Marc Jacobs instagram

Marc Jacobs Doesn't "See Color;" I Call BS

Marc Jacobs claims he doesn't "see" color, but people of color beg to differ. Whether he recognizes it or not, Jacobs is part of the cultural appropriation problem, turning black natural hair into his own "trend."

Let’s get crafting and make homemade holiday presents for everyone!

Homemade Holiday Presents For Everyone On Your List

It’s going to be a very frugal holiday season in 2017. Let’s get crafting and make homemade holiday presents for everyone!

Aja Barber talks the goodness of pesto, Paradis remixes, and solidarity in today's political climate. (Image Credit: Aja Barber)

#RavsWriters: Aja Barber - TV Producer, Ballet Dancer, Remix Lover, Fashion Sage

Welcome to #RavsWriters, an opportunity for you to get to know some of the outstanding human beings who fervently type to make Ravishly the aw

You are not getting “bullied” because you are being called out for problematic behaviors.

The Problem With White Feminism 

I am shocked, perplexed and a little bit dismayed over the amount of “good liberals” who have pushed my friendship to the point of no return over the term “white feminism." As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say the cries over white feminism vs. intersectional feminism is the new #BlackLivesMatter vs #AllLivesMatter. You might not see it that way now but you will by next year. Trust me. I’ve been through this before and damn, am I tired.

Image via YouTube (Kendall and Kylie)

Cultural Appropriation, Kendall Jenner, And That Pepsi Ad

How does one advertisement go so magnificently wrong, managing to center whiteness in the story of the battles of marginalized people, while playing down the horrific effects of police brutality and concluding in a white savior grand finale?

When I blocked the conversation on Facebook, that person continued to send me text messages.

The Entitled Things White People Do When I Unfriend Them Over Racism

Recently I went through another round of unfriending on Facebook. It keeps things tidy, the arguments thoughtful and my head from exploding. This time around I just got rid of any white person that felt passionate about "certain political topics," but wasn't showing up for people of color, as we watch the meteoric rise of fascism in America and police violence. I’m not obligated to educate anyone for free, especially if they don’t appear to be absorbing what I’m saying or having the tough conversations on their wall with their peers.

I can’t with Lena Dunham anymore. (By David Shankbone - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19316876)

Why Women Of Color, Including Me, Are Officially Done With Lena Dunham

If Lena Dunham wants to be a part of the movement in a constructive way, I’d recommend stepping down and quietly supporting women of color with dollars.

Wear a sweatshirt that says "I meant to put this on" (Image Credit: Instagram, McQ)

Upping Your Sweatshirt Game This Fall

I refuse to write some sort of inane rubbish about how sweatshirts are the new sweatshirt.

Image via Instagram @gi.hadidupdates

Why Gigi Hadid Should Not Apologize To Melania Trump 

“I love my husband President Barack Obama and our children, Sasha and Malia,” ”
