Erin McKelle

Erin McKelle


Erin McKelle is a feminist blogger, social media consultant, and body positive fashionista who is currently living nomadically (i.e. traveling the world). She is originally from Cleveland, Ohio and has a BA from Ohio University. When she's not writing, you can usually find her whipping up a vegan dish in the kitchen, creating an art project, or reading a book in bed.

Erin McKelle Articles

Online seduction can be so sweet...

5 Tips For Finding Love Online

We’re now living in an age where online dating is no longer taboo, which means more people are going online to pursue finding a romantic partner than ever before. I've met almost all of my dating partners through the Internet, and through the courting process, profile creation, and setting up of the first IRL date, I’ve learned a lot about how to date online.

Love yourself (easier said than done, right?)

4 Ways You Can Be Body Positive Even If You Still Hate Your Body

I’ve been writing about body positivity on the Internet for a couple of years now, but I have to admit that if anything, loving my body has become harder than when I started. Since then, I came to understand that I had an unresolved eating disorder that I battled for six years, I’ve started working out and I’ve discovered a passion for cooking.

There’s always a new deal to close, a new client to woo, or a new blog post to write.

Burnt Out? Always "On"? Here's 4 Ways To Establish A Healthy Work/Life Balance.

If you’re an entrepreneur like myself, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. No one is looking over your shoulder to see if you’re on-task, but you’re probably working 12+ hour days anyway.

Addiction to books? It's possible.

5 Helpful Tips For Overcoming Addiction

Here are a few ways you can do some inventory on your own behaviors and start dealing with addiction in a healing way.

Take care.

Why I Think Everyone Should Have A Therapist

I firmly believe that every person on the planet could benefit from therapy. I myself have been going to therapy every week for about four years and don't plan on stopping.

Literally ask yourself, “What do I want more of?” (image credit: Thinkstock)

5 Steps To A Mindfulness Practice For The Non-Woo

Self-care has become a huge buzzword in the wellness industry.

Photo by Geoffrey Arduini on Unsplash

I Woke Up At 6 AM For A Week & Here's What Happened

I decided to experiment. I would set my alarm and get up at 6 AM (or earlier) for seven days straight, no matter what.

"Be OK with not being OK."

My Fear Of Commitment Is Ruining My Life

For long time, I wondered why the people I dated, people I was friends with, and jobs I was taking on were temporary or weren't ever interested in a long-term commitment. It seemed like every opportunity I had was for a short-term assignment or position, every person I liked only wanted to date casually.


Robin McGraw's Digital Innovation To Prevent Domestic Violence

Although it’s only been in the past year or so that I’ve developed a burning passion for psychology, I’ve always been fascinated by

People tend to attract partners in their complementary attachment style in almost all of their romantic relationships. (Image: Thinkstock)

Are You And Your Partner Romantically Compatible?

Imagine you just went out with someone that you like, and have been out with a few times, but that you’re still not quite sure where things are heading with. Now, imagine that they call you to ask you if you would like to join them at a birthday party on Saturday, for one of their good friends whom they’d like you to meet. What’s your reaction? Are you jumping at the chance to get closer to their inner circle, already preparing your excuse for why you can’t attend, or do you land somewhere in between?
