Kristi Pahr

Kristi Pahr


Kristi is a stay at home mom with two small boys and a very messy house. She and her family raise goats and pigs and she pretends to know something about homesteading. She went to college in the 90s and didn’t learn much, but she met her husband there, so it wasn’t a total waste of time. They were married a short time later and have spent the last 16 years trying to “settle down” and “be normal”. It’s been a huge and glorious mess. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter. Read her blog

Kristi Pahr Articles

I would rather him spend his teenage years gaming with friends and going to geeky cons than drinking beer and trying to get laid.

My Kid Won't Play Organized Sports And I'm Thrilled

When my oldest son was a baby, my husband and I used to talk about what sports he would play.

No retail "therapy" here.

When Shopping For Clothes Is Traumatizing

I have to go shopping tomorrow and I’m dreading it.

(Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Advanced Maternal Age AKA Holy Crap, I'm Tired

I feel like if I’d started earlier, had my first kid at 28 instead of 34, maybe I’d be a little less tired right now. Maybe I’d be a more fun mom if my knees didn’t sound like small arms fire every time I tried to run with my son. Maybe I’d be a better mom if I was younger. But I don’t think so. My kids? They’re awesome. And I’m the mom they have, so I must be doing something right, old or not.

Holidays Survival Guide. Sangria? Check. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

An Introvert’s Guide To The Holidays

It seems like everyone is an introvert these days.

The comments I get, you would not believe. (Image Credit: Kristi Pahr)

Life As A 39-Year-Old With Fully Gray Hair

I found my first gray hair when I was 12 years old. Twelve. I had gray hair before I had a period.

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Chris Cornell Is Dead; Was His Last Performance Foreshadowing?

Soundgarden was part of something bigger, something that changed everything.

This is a rough time to be a parent.

Raising Sons In The Time Of Trump

I think we can all agree that there is some messed up stuff happening right now.
