Lex Gjurasic

Lex Gjurasic


Lex Gjurasic is an artist, writer and sometimes psychic orginally from rainy Seattle now drying out in Tucson AZ. In 1984 she won the title of Little Miss Washington. Gjurasic's visual pursuits can be viewed at www.alexandragjurasic.com  

Lex Gjurasic Articles

image credit: Lex Gjurasic

UN-Brand My Art: The Case For Creating Outside The Capitalist Box

Since the turn of the last century the art world has seen the decline of the Artist (capital A) and the rise of the “artrepreneur,” the “creative careerist” and the myriad of other fanciful terms that can all be distilled down to just “creative” (noun). I find myself cringing when I hear these terms.

It's raining Yaz!

I Still Shop At Hobby Lobby — Even Though It's Run By Bigots

While the Supreme Court deliberated Hobby Lobby’s 2013 case against Obamacare, I took to social media to stoically announce: “I’m never shopping at Hob Lob again.” But I did. Over time, Hobby Lobby lured me back into its Jesus-loving automatic sliding doors. It wasn’t the weekly 40% off coupon that got me — it was the goddamn specific products that I repeatedly purchase as an artist. (I’m thinking about you, florescent paint.)
