
Minnie Driver, Beyonce and the Bikini Body Bashing Brigade

Let the ruthless bikini insults begin! (God, it's hard to be a woman.)


Weird+Wonderful+WTF: Chimpanzee Prison Break! Woman Leads Man on Leash! Facebook is the Worst Thing Ever!

We scout out the latest weird news so you don't have to.


Why Don't Women Host Late Night T.V.?

Stephen Colbert is a fine choice to replace Letterman, but why not a lady for once? Here, we examine the not-very-funny state of female comedy.


Drake's Goes Undercover on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' to See What People Think of Him

Watch Drake don a beard and question unsuspecting pedestrians about himself...from peeing in a Baby Gap to crying after an awards show, it seems the public doesn't think too much of him.


Is Celebrity Commentary Really Just Worthless Drivel?

New York Magazine writer Matt Zoller Seitz has come out swinging against those who cover celebs. That hurts, Seitz. It hurts bad.


Stephen Colbert to Take Over Late Show...and We're a Little Worried

CBS just announced that everyone's favorite faux Republican will be stepping into David Letterman's shoes. Are we really ready for the "real" Colbert?


The "Boyfriend Twins" Phenom and Why We Want to Get With Our Doppelgangers

Why are we attracted to our look-alikes? We turn to modern pscyhology and Freud for answers.
