
There was a ghost-limb kind of remembrance of scratching an itch that I no longer had, but did once. (Image:Thinkstock)

How A Simple Shopping Trip With My Mom Lifted My Depression

As a forty-something mom, I rarely shop at Urban Outfitters anymore; I suppose I’ve graduated up to their sister brand, Anthropologie, w

We receive mixed cultural messages about antidepressants and pregnancy. (Image: Thinkstock)

Should You Take Anti-Depressants During Pregnancy?

When my husband and I began trying to conceive, I was anxious about how my antidepressant medication would affect a pregnancy, especially after reading terrifying pseudo-scientific articles and judgmental, paranoid commentary lurking in The Seventh Circle of Hell known as mommy boards.

Your partner knows you need their support. But you can't bring yourself to connect, or meet their needs. Image: Thinkstock.

Sex Drive: The Forgotten Victim Of Depression

Sex is not something we often hear about when talking about depression. But we should. Because it stops. Sex drive plummets.

While I didn’t get in trouble, and they let the underage drinking slide, I could feel judgment. I didn’t report my attempted attack. Image: Mamamia team, author.

I Was Almost Raped — And When I Spoke Out, Ended Up With Zero Friends.

I know he did not finish our program duration. I know that I finished the program with no friends, and very few people who even believed me. I consider myself very lucky to have survived the situation with mostly just a bruised ego, but I will always feel guilty.

These insightful, funny, and heartfelt cards are an important step in destigmatizing mental health issues. Image: Hope Street Cards.

Two Australian Sisters Have Created Cards For People Living With Mental Illness

We know that this year alone, one in five Australians will experience some form of mental illness. What we might not know is that only one in four will receive a get well or greeting card. Studies have indicated that psychiatric inpatients receive only “half as many cards and gifts when compared to medical inpatients.” Two Australian sisters, Trudy and Sam, intend to change that.

Protesters last week in Baton Rouge. Image: Shannon Stapleton/REUTERS.

Protecting Our Children After The Wounds Of Racism Divide Us Even More

I find myself in this place again. I am numb. I feel empty. I almost have no words.
In 2012, around the time of the birth of my son, I had a similar feeling. Trayvon Martin was killed. I was pregnant with a black male in a world that was not ready for him.

Most moms, and parents, have had moments like this — they have had thoughts which seem dark and awful, and which they’d rather not admit out loud. Image: Kim Zapata.

I Fantasized About 'Getting Sick' After My Baby Was Born

One thing I cannot forget was how much I wanted to “get sick.” How I longed to get some sort of ailment or bedridden condition. I cannot forget how I prayed to become ill.

I’m sure the Pokemon Go phenomenon will fade before long, but for the moment it’s just plain FUN that might even be good for you. Image: Eduardo Woo/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

6 Touching Stories From People Who Are Alleviating Mental Health Issues With Pokemon GO

I’m sure the Pokemon Go phenomenon will fade before long, but for the moment, it’s just dumb FUN that might even be good for you. The game cannot fix and should not distract us from the shit-fucking terrible goddamn week we’ve had in the world, but it can remind us that we all need to practice self-care, whatever package it comes in.
