
New Love Is A Bitch: Where Can I Fit All This Baggage?

This was baggage I had purchased, broken, bent, sullied and then strapped to my back apparently. And just now I could feel my legs buckling.


Paul Joseph Wieland Sues The U.S. Department Of Health And Services For Patriarchal Force Over Teen Daughters

Missouri State Representative Paul Joseph Wieland is suing to prevent his own daughters from receiving access to birth control. Le sigh.

Credit: ThinkStock

#WhyIStayed And #WhyILeft My Emotionally Abusive Relationship

The entire world is speculating why Janay Rice decided to stay. Here's why I just might understand.

Credit: ThinkStock

Why Are the Lyrics Of Lullabies So Disturbing?

We think of lullabies as sweet and soothing, but their lyrics often reveal a darker side that’s just for momma.

Credit: ThinkStock

Should Women Really Be "Flattered" by Catcalls?

An article in the New York Post claims women should appreciate the attention. Let's digest, shall we?


The Color of Slut-Shaming: Why Women Don't Trust Ladies in Red

A new study found that women don't trust other females wearing red. Huh?


When Scary Sex Games End in Death: The Sordid Tale of Le Cousins Dangeroux

A recent story involving ropes, alcohol, drugs and incest serves as a kinky sex cautionary tale.


The Surprising Truth About Your Crazy Phobias

New research suggests that seemingly irrational fears may stem from traumatic memories passed down through the generations.
