mental illness

"If I’m being totally honest with you, I feel a burst of pride whenever someone tells me I look too put together to have been given this diagnosis."

What Not To Say When Someone Tells You About Their Personality Disorder

When someone denies my personality disorder, it makes the process of identifying and challenging the thoughts and behaviors that disorder causes even more difficult. There are broken parts of me that I can’t see. I’m working very hard to uncover them and heal them in a way that improves the quality of my inner and outer life. I don’t need anyone else muddying the waters of my trauma; I do that enough all on my own.

Image from YouTube

How The Michelle Carter Case Gets Suicide And Mental Illness Wrong

To say that Michelle Carter committed manslaughter is to accuse her of having the deliberate and malicious intent to take Conrad Roy III’s life. We are accusing her of not only assisting his suicide, but of coordinating it criminally.

Anxiety is serious business, but it doesn’t have to rule your life. Once you learn about it, you can take more control.

5 Ways To Stop Anxiety Attacks


Remember that therapy is just one small part of your overall mental (and physical, because that mind-body shit is serious business) wellbeing.

4 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Therapy Appointment

This is your health we’re talking about, something often forgotten when it comes to treating that tricky organ hanging out between our ears. You deserve the right to a therapist who addresses your unique needs.

Image by @mightymooseart

Find Your Secret Heart Place: A Guide To Surviving Difficult Times

It did not solve all of my problems. It did not make the reality of this deep hurt go away. But it did make me feel more like myself, which I'd begun to fear I would never feel again.

Borderline personality disorder makes discerning when feelings are real and valid a constant struggle. The hardship is worth it.

It Is Possible To Recover From Borderline Personality Disorder

I love what it feels like when I dive into a cold pool on a hot day. I write dirty jokes on the internet. I follow four kitten accounts on Instagram. I have hope. I never thought I would be able to say that. I also happen to have Borderline Personality Disorder.

Borderline personality disorder makes discerning when feelings are real and valid a constant struggle. The hardship is worth it.

It Is Possible To Recover From Borderline Personality Disorder

I love what it feels like when I dive into a cold pool on a hot day. I write dirty jokes on the internet. I follow four kitten accounts on Instagram. I have hope. I never thought I would be able to say that. I also happen to have Borderline Personality Disorder.

How many spoons can reasonably be left for what makes you happy, what makes life worth living?

The Maddening Difficulties Of Going On Mental Health Disability

I first went on disability when I lived in Rochester, New York.
