mental illness

Image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

What If I've Given My Children Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder isn't something given, not like gift on your birthday, not neatly wrapped. Yet, what if I've given my children bipolar disorder?

Music is a way to connect, a way to heal... a way of life, even.

On Using Music To Manage Mental Illness

Even when he was trying his very hardest not to survive, my Dad still gave himself music. And somewhere along the way, he gave it to me too.

Average life events evoke extreme anxiety and deep, internal sadness that most will never understand.

10 Things People With Bipolar Disorder Want You To Know

I’m ready to demystify the stereotypes and break down the stigma of bipolar disorder.


How OCD Has Shaped My Relationship With Food

I struggle to find language that describes the messy tangle of thoughts and memories that weigh down every spoonful. If I had to tell you about my relationship with food in a sentence: I am totally and completely obsessed with it.


The Worst Part Of Moving Is The Anxiety It Causes

In the past 13 years, I have moved 11 times.

"Every mirror is an opportunity to ruin more of my skin in a nonsensical attempt to fix what I think is there."

I Can't Stop Picking At My Skin

I lose hours to this obsessive compulsion, not a day goes by without it. Every mirror is an opportunity to ruin more of my skin in a nonsensical attempt to fix what I think is there

"Talking about mental health is a big part of my job, but that doesn’t make my own mental illness any less personal."

Why I Won't Stop Writing About My Mental Illness

I didn't fall in love with John Green’s writing the way you fall asleep: slowly and then all at once. I fell in love with it the way you pass out during a particularly nasty panic attack: all at once and then all at once.

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Sleep Hygiene: 11 Tips For Improving Your (VERY Important) Sleep

There are few things that factor into your well-being as much as sleep (except water).
