
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Do The Kardashians Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

We mock Kim et al ruthlessly . . . but we also can't get enough. What's going on here?


Why We Think We're Better at Things Than We Actually Are

Welcome to the self-deluded world of illusory superiority.


Don't Blame Your Broken Heart on Social Media, Blame it On Your Narcissism

Passing notes and blowing kisses are more effective than tweets, didyaknow?


Stop Making Extreme Proposal Videos Already! Sheesh.

Geez, we looooove our social media. Some of us even love it more than the people on it. You know, their friends – and fiancés.


Facebook’s Look Back Videos: 100 Million Narcissists Strong!

It’s an egotist’s world, and we’re just living in it.
