
I can't help but think that my lack of hair resources reminds me that I live in a land that wasn't intended for me.

My Black Hair In My Mostly White Town Reminds Me I Don’t Belong​

We all need our hair done. I can't help but think that my lack of hair resources reminds me that I live in a land that wasn't intended for me.

Standing up to bigots, wherever they pop up.

  Lovers & Fighters In America: Young Teacher Stands Up To Gas Station Bigot

'The Lovers & Fighters of America' is a weekly column here at Ravishly featuring behind-the-scenes stories of inspirational people taking


The BET Awards: What Jesse Williams Wants You To Know

He opened his mouth and time stood still. My pulse quickened. My heart raced. My eyes filled with tears. And I. WAS. PROUD.

Black people’s hair is too tense for White America to EVER be comfortable. Image: Thinkstock.

3 Reasons I Won't Apologize For My Black-Girl Hair

Black hair, like Black identity, is diverse and nuanced, but it still stands out as different from White hair. The point is not that all Black hair needs to look the same, but that we share the experience of feeling pressure to alter our appearance, to present a version of ourselves solely to satisfy the White gaze. When we truly own our bodies —the fat, skinny, scarred, hairy, melanated, unconventional bodies we walk around in — they will no longer be things to defend or hide or alter.
