Chris Huqueriza

Chris Huqueriza


Chris Huqueriza is a freelance writer with a passion for contributing to the LGBT community. He’s written for dot429, Out & Equal, the Bay Area Reporter and Ashcan Magazine. He’s also an avid film aficionado especially with Audrey Hepburn, Alfred Hitchcock and Elizabeth Taylor films. On his free time, he likes to write in his personal blog ( and post his current lookbook outfits. He’s very proud he’s reached over 1,000 outfits!

Chris Huqueriza Articles

Why You Should Celebrate the Magna Carta Too

The Queen of England graced the ranks of British royalty as she celebrated the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta with Prin


Like, EhMiGawd, Tiger Beat Is Making A Comeback!

Just tell your adolescent self to hang tight, okay?


White House Is Just Chilling, Man, On Marijuana Laws

With the White House’s support of marijuana research, it may be time to start calling it . .  . wait, what were talking about?


SoCal Gets Fierce: L.A. Welcomes First Trans Modeling Agency

Looks like the City of Angels just scored some extra-special wings!


Amy Poehler's "Stoner Answer" For Feminism Is Actually Powerful

Amy Poehler is a boss. From acting to writing, Poehler never ceases to amaze fans and critics alike.


Awesome Lady Shuts Down Fat Shamers And Looks Fabulous

Give a big thanks to Rachel Taylor, ladies.
