Elizabeth Laura Nelson

Elizabeth Laura Nelson


Elizabeth lives in Brooklyn with her two daughters, occasional mice and innumerable to-do lists. She runs a nine-minute mile, bakes a mean chocolate chip cookie, and can always be persuaded to get up and sing at a karaoke bar. Follow her on Twitter.

Elizabeth Laura Nelson Articles

Attracted to the wrong people? Believe it or not, this is actually a good thing.

Why You’re Attracted To People Who Make You Feel Terrible About Yourself

Attracted to the wrong people? Believe it or not, this is actually a good thing.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

11 Subtle Signs You’ve Given Up Trying In Your Relationship

Researchers say that the average relationship hits the ‘comfort zone’ phase after 11 months and 24 days.

Reading in bed together, while it might not be a major milestone — like marriage or having children — truly is a significant event in a relationship.

How Reading In Bed Together Can Be Hotter Than Having Sex

Reading in bed together, while it might not be a major milestone — like marriage or having children — truly is a significant event in a relationship.

Taking care of yourself and conquering your people-pleasing ways doesn’t give you license to stop caring about other people’s feelings — especially your partner’s.

Is Your People Pleasing Personality Killing Your Relationship?

The problem with people pleasing: You’re trying so hard to be good. So how come you feel so bad?

People love giving me advice but I'm begging you, these are things I never want to hear again.

8 Things I Never Want To Hear, Ever Again

As a person who writes about relationships for a living, I might be one of the people least in need of all this well-meaning advice, which usually amounts to clichés and can even veer into the territory of outright insults. What I need – what most of us need – is for people to hear me, and to trust me.

Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

The Truth About Deception: Why Your Relationship Needs Lying To Survive

Honesty is supposed to be the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, and lying, an automatic dealbreaker. But should it be?

Scorpio is the most notorious sign in the zodiac. (Image: Unsplash/ Timothy Paul Smith)

19 Ways You Know You’re A True Scorpio

True Scorpio nature: We like it when people are afraid of us. They should be afraid. Here 19 other ways you know you're a Scorpio!

In a marriage, should you really feel lonely that much of the time? And if so, then how lonely is too lonely?

Feeling Lonely Isn’t Normal, It’s A Sign Your Marriage Is Broken

In a marriage, should you really feel lonely that much of the time? And if so, then how lonely is too lonely?
