Sa'iyda Shabazz

Sa'iyda Shabazz


Sa'iyda Shabazz lives in Los Angeles. She traded her dreams of winning a Tony award for a spot on the New York Times bestseller list. She loves pop culture, chocolate chip cookies, and books. She is a mom to a spirited little boy and a scruffy dog. Check her out on Twitter.

Sa'iyda Shabazz Articles

Letting my hair go natural lifted a huge burden off my shoulders. I don’t feel like a slave to it anymore.

Letting My Hair Go Natural Lifted A Huge Burden Off My Shoulders

Letting my hair go natural lifted a huge burden! I don’t feel like a slave to it anymore, which has made me feel less annoyed by it.

My Glasses Don't Make Me Less Attractive. Photo by Sa'iyda Shabazz

My Glasses Don't Make Me Less Attractive

I’m just as feminine and fun with my glasses as I am without. My glasses sure don't make me less attractive. Glasses are sexy!

“Seriously? You’re not going to be my friend over this?” And just like that, it was over. I had lost a friend who I had come to value greatly.

I Lost A Friend Over A Comment I Didn't Think Was A Big Deal

“Seriously? You’re not going to be my friend over this?” And just like that, it was over. I had lost a friend who I had come to value greatly.

There were a lot of rejections, but I wasn’t discouraged. I’d just try again.

Becoming A Mother Forced Me To Make My Career Goals Happen

Being a parent has given me the career that I had only previously dreamed of.
