Stephanie Rodriguez-Moser

Stephanie Rodriguez-Moser


Stephanie works as a clinician in an obstetrics department while dealing with secondary infertility, and that’s exactly as hard as it sounds. She is also a mom, wife, grad student, school board member, and writer of things. She loves her Instant Pot more than most people.

Stephanie Rodriguez-Moser Articles

Injections, pills — oh, and, fun fact, I shouldn’t use hand sanitizer while taking one of the pills. I’m not sure why — maybe I turn into a Gremlin?

Navigating IVF: ALL The Prep

Starting IVF requires a lot of phone calls and emails and waiting. And paper signing. My husband and I have signed so many things in the last week that I wanted to invest in one of those signature stamps.

At this point, I kind of feel like I need to clone myself and buy 12 of everything and win the lottery before October.

I'm Pregnant With Twins And Google Has (Too Much) Advice

I'm pregnant with twins. To help make me more prepared, I turned to Google, as you do. It’s been… educational.

Just because she's an adult doesn't mean she deserves respect.

Is It OK For Kids To Call Adults By Their First Name?

I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of kids understand the whole hierarchy of adulthood thing. I’ve worked in daycares and volunteered in my kids’ schools. The children there (who called me by my first name, gasp!) never seemed to think that they shouldn’t take direction from me or be respectful of me because I have a first name. Then again, I also don’t assume that, by magic, the second the clock stuck on my 18th birthday, I attained a higher station in life.

This year, we are moving into uncharted territory. And I’m going to take you with me.

Navigating IVF: How We Got Here 

In Navigating IVF, IVF Steph takes us on her journey through the wilds of fertility treatment.  

I was in excrutiating pain.

I Am The 1%, But Only Because I Had An Ectopic Pregnancy

I don’t mean the super rich 1% (if I did, this article would be a much happier one, listing all of the ways I was using my newfound wealth to ensure a Trump presidency never exists). Instead, I am part of the 1% of women whose pregnancies were ectopic or molar.

The moral of this story is that early ultrasounds can vary wildly and that you should probably not do what I did by obsessively Googling things.

Navigating IVF: The Ultrasound 

In Navigating IVF, IVF Steph takes us on her journey through the wilds of fertility treatment.

It’s incredibly weird to want something so badly but to be so afraid of it.

Navigating IVF: Embryo Transfer Day 

In Navigating IVF, IVF Steph takes us on her journey through the wilds of fertility treatment.  

Back to the Future 10/21/15

GREAT SCOTT! Back To The Future... A Style Guide

Since a lot has changed from this morning, or even from a moment ago at 4:28pm, we here at Ravishly thought it would be helpful to provide a guide to fashion in this new era. Here are some dos and don’ts for this exciting new time to be alive:

I woke up quickly when everything was over, and although I was told I should expect that I would feel weird, I felt pretty good.

Navigating IVF: Retrieval Day 

On the day before Valentine’s Day, I had egg retrieval. Nothing says romance like sticking a literal needle through the walls of your vagina, amirite?

back to school

It's Back To School Time, And I Am SO EXCITED

But how dare you, terrible mother and/or father. Don’t you love your kids? Don’t you want them to prosper? Don’t you miss them with every ounce of your being when they are in class? Aren’t you weeping huge tears of sorrow over the loss of this valuable family time?
