Stephen Colbert never disappoints.
Net neutrality got the axe yesterday.
What's net neutrality?
John Oliver's explanation is as good as it gets.
This is sort of a nightmare, which (sadly) makes for pretty good Twitter action.
I don't know what else to say about this whole situation, except that I expect the entire planet to spontaneously combust at any moment.
But hey, here are some pretty good tweets while we wait for the fire:
There are three kinds of people celebrating the ending of #NetNeutrality
1) The wealthy who stand to become more wealthy.
2) Russian bots and trolls.
3) American Trump supporters too stupid to realize this will affect them too.— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) December 15, 2017
If your state isn’t suing, contact your representative immediately
We can still make a difference #NetNeutrality pic.twitter.com/B5BvCeRMDX— Madisen Palasz (@mads_palasz) December 15, 2017
First, You misspelled #NetNeutrality, you genetically altered butternut squash. Second, you don't know the value of a dollar, you silver-spoon snickerdoodle. Third, sunshine, Reaganomics is like DeLorean. It was sexy in the 80s, but I didn't work then and much less now.
— Tony Chacon (@TheTonyChacon) December 15, 2017
Him spell gud.
I would pay good money to see all those people complaining about Obama’s FCC chairman voting to repeal #NetNeutality actually explain it in detail. I’d also bet most hadn’t heard of it before this week. #outrage
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 15, 2017
When I’m bored all I do is text: RESIST to 50490
Y’all should try it .
.#NetNeutrality— unknown (@SarahCabral1) December 15, 2017
Hey #NetNeutrality got us like.. pic.twitter.com/oYwgi8k0Ot
— #Ifollowback (@sharker102s) December 15, 2017
Stephen Colbert. LOL.
“Repealing Net Neutrality is totally woke, my chicken nugget teens! Avocado selfie!” #NetNeutrality #LSSC pic.twitter.com/rKaApxbC4Y
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) December 15, 2017
FCC Assures Nation Their Favorite Verizon Websites Won't Be Affected By Net Neutrality Repeal https://t.co/uXjR3iInNb pic.twitter.com/y79MPBQo3B
— The Onion (@TheOnion) December 14, 2017
Bernie, preach.
This is the end of the internet as we know it. In Congress and in the courts we must fight back. #NetNeutrality pic.twitter.com/ExKx7LFZwj
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 14, 2017
I've seen far too many people saying their goodbyes assuming the FCC vote on #NetNeutrality is the end-all - be-all. It's not. If they vote to repeal, they still have to go to court to defend their choice. Spread this! NN has been discussed in court before. We won. Twice.
— Brittany (@priincess_exe) December 14, 2017
Please Don't Hug Me At Work
A Police Officer Just Got Away With Brutally Killing An Unarmed Man (Again)