
Think about it.

On Silence As A Tool For Queer Families

People see a baby and immediately imagine that the kid must have a mother and a father, who are probably married, who made that baby with good ol’ fashioned P-in-V sexual intercourse, most likely in the missionary position.

Can we all just agree that tiaras are great, no matter who's wearing them?

Boys Don't Dress Up As Women On Halloween — And What That Means For Equality

And that's when it hit me: It's okay for girls to aspire to be like boys, but it's categorically not okay for boys to aspire to be like girls.

Moms aren't always our best friends.

My Relationship With My Mother, The Frenemy

Last week, my mother came home from work, found the shower faucet leaking hot water, and told me to "get my head out of my cunt, and start thinking about other things."

This? Perfect.

My Kid's Project Sucked And I'm OK With That

Ok, for the record, he's in kindergarten, and for his age, it did not suck. It was a masterpiece of little boy seriousness and hard work, actually. (Of course, I might be biased.)

Image via Sesame Street

Why It Matters That Sesame Street's First Muppet With Autism Is A Girl

It took five years for my daughter to be diagnosed with autism. There were dozens of red flags, beginning from the time she was about 10 months old, but her pediatrician always told me that she was fine. "She made eye contact with me," she reassured me. "She can't be on the spectrum." Besides, most children with autism, she reminded me, are boys.


Do NOT Photoshop My Child

A: No one is perfect, B: Perceived perfection is a LIE, and C: THEY’RE CHILDREN FOR FUCK SAKE!

M&Ms. YES.

#noshameparenting: How Shaming Is Making Parenting Harder Than It Has To Be

The day-to-day decisions in parenting aren’t usually hills worth dying on (I think that’s a war reference which is pretty applicable). The mom judging you? She probably just hasn’t yet had to drive two hours with a screaming toddler.

Just don't do it.

4 Reasons To Stop Asking, "When Are You Going To Have A Baby?"

Just because a couple decides to marry doesn’t automatically mean that they want kids. Many couples in loving relationships simply want to share a life together — without any children. There is no rule to say they should.
