
TBH, text him if you want to

How To Let Go Of Your Insecurities After A Hookup

Women kind of get a shit deal when it comes to


We Don’t Care About Birth Control Side Effects Until They Happen To Men

These side effects are not new to hormonal birth control; rather, hormonal birth control is new to men. Women and other folks with vaginas have been dealing with this sort of issue since... well, ever.


Sarai Walker: Fat Positive Activist, Author Of Dietland 

I'm by no means the first person to describe it as "feminist Fight Club." There isn't much else to say that could possibly be more convincing.


#NastyWoman Update: Ladies Don't Need To Be Told Anything, Thank You Very Much

“Sometimes a lady has to be told when she’s being nasty.”

We need to make women of all faiths feel included. (Image:Thinkstock)

I'm A Non-Religious Woman, But I Respect Religious Women 

Though I was raised in an interdenominational household, my upbringing could at best be described as vaguely Christian.

Boss Babes: Get Ready For A New (Feminist) Coloring Obsession

Boss Babes: Get Ready For A New (Feminist) Coloring Obsession

Volansky decided to create Boss Babes as an accessible exercise in female empowerment. “I was seeing all my friends and family receive adult coloring books as presents last holiday season and remember flipping through one thinking: ‘Michelle, you have to try your hand at this. You would be stupid not to.’ My dream job would be getting asked to draw portraits of bad-ass, contemporary feminist heroes so why not take matters into my own hands and hire myself for the job?”

What's a poor guy to do in this mean, Feminist world? (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Dear Entitled Dudes, Here's How To Get A Lady

You guys have a lot of trouble dating these days, now that women have this silly notion in their marble-sized brains that they should maybe want to be treated like equals to you. HOW RIDICULOUS. EW! Luckily, you can work around these ideals. Women aren’t really smart enough to comprehend them anyway, you know?

"Prior to this new law, victims had 10 years to bring rape charges against their assailants. In the case of sexual assault against a child, the statute of limitations was the child’s 40th birthday."

California To End Statute Of Limitations On Sexual Assault Cases

This means that if you are sexually assaulted in California after this law takes effect in January 2017, you have all the time you need to gather your strength to press charges.
