
Can you partake in the beauty industry and still feel good about your self-worth?

Can You Enjoy The Beauty Industry Without Hating Yourself?​

Can you partake in the beauty industry — makeup, tutorials, magazines, and the oppressive standards they impose — and still feel good about your self-worth?

Vaginal steaming (or v-steaming, if you prefer) has been done across the globe for centuries.

What You Should Know About Vaginal Steaming

I had never heard of Steamy Chick let alone vaginal steaming but months later, I’m an at-home v-steamer, and I love it! Yes, I love vaginal steaming!

Check out these 20 fantastic plus-size bridesmaid looks! (Photo by Stacey Landino)

20 Plus-Size Bridesmaid Looks To Rock Down The Aisle

As you fight through dress after dress, remember this: You will rock it. You will look fabulous. Check out these 20 fantastic plus-size bridesmaid looks!

image credit: Virgie Tovar via Instagram

Take The Cake: “Polite” Fatphobia Is Actually More Damaging   

So as you can see, “polite” bigotry is just bigotry. It's manipulative. It's aggressive. And it hurts people. Speak up against polite fatphobia!

 I’ve always had a healthy sex drive, but once my IUD was implanted, sex was the furthest thing from my mind.

Hormonal Birth Control Tanked My Sex Drive

My libido pulled a disappearing act. I’ve always had a healthy sex drive, but once my IUD was implanted, sex was the furthest thing from my mind.

Photos by Brittni Hebert | Model: Arika Shaffett (@weird.and.wonderful)

12 Plus-Size Looks That Make Waves This Pisces Season

As we move into Pisces season, hold on to your feels! Beautiful watery colors and flowing fabrics move like rivers. Clouds of seafoam and bits of lavender!

Photo by roya ann miller on Unsplash

Take The Cake: Do We Support Thin Feminists More Than Fat Feminists?

What I’ve noticed, as a fat feminist, is that self-identifying as a feminist or an activist bears a different social cost depending on your body size.

A blocked fallopian tube? Just when I thought I’d heard it all.

Wait… Blocked Fallopian Tubes Are A Thing?

A blocked fallopian tube? No wonder I wasn’t getting pregnant; hello! My eggs were floating around with no sperm to greet them.
