Allison Cooper

Allison Cooper


Allison Cooper is founder and writer for Project Motherhood, where she blogs about balancing her love for family, fashion, and living in the big city. She is the co-founder of INTRO NYC, connecting brands, bloggers, and helping bloggers stay educated in the ever-evolving digital space.You can find her writing, at NYFW, spending time with her boys, or sipping on strong coffee!  You can connect with Allison on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Allison Cooper Articles

Dear Oldest Son: I’m sorry...

Dear Oldest Son: I’m Sorry My Attention Is Divided Right Now

Dear Oldest Son, Life these days is all about dividing and conquering. I feel more and more like I’m dividing and conquering so many things.

Gloves are BACK.

5 Runway Trends You Can Actually Wear For Fall 2015

Well, 50 Shades of Grey has found its place on the runway! Toss your boring back dress suits good-bye and welcome some new gray pieces to your wardrobe. This monochromatic trend can easily make its way into your bedroom, too.

Moms carry so much with them everywhere they go.

To The Mom Sick Of Repeating Herself: I Feel You

To any mom out there who is sick of repeating herself — I feel you. I feel you so hard. It’s a double edge sword, these reminders. They exhaust us.

Breastfeeding doesn't work all the time for everyone. That's okay.

News Flash: Pressuring Moms To Breastfeed Is Stressing Them The Eff Out

There is nothing in the world that quite compares to the joyous feeling of bringing a new baby home.

It's not that hard, we promise.

5 Ways To Ease Yourself Out Of A Fashion Rut

There is no way around it, whenever you find yourself in a fashion rut, it’s pretty difficult to get out of. A fashion rut puts us in a place of comfort, where it’s very difficult to break free and expose ourselves to any newness that might be out there in the fashion world to explore — because we are too content with where we are.

While these five tips may seem like simple, everyday things, they go a long way to make sure kids know they're supported and able to make choices that work for them their entire life.

5 Tips For Raising A Gender Equal Child

I so firmly believe that everyone should have the freedom to truly be who they are, without limits, and it’s important to me to raise kids who are open and accepting of that, too. Here are five ways I’m raising a gender equal child.

Ashley Graham doesn't put up with body-shaming (Image Credit: Instagram)

My Body Positive Hero: Sports Illustrated Model, Ashley Graham

Body-shaming exists, but we shouldn't accept it as just another sad and simple fact of life. Model Ashley Graham is on the front lines of this fight for body positivity.
