Catherine Gigante-Brown

Catherine Gigante-Brown


Catherine Gigante-Brown is a freelance writer of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Her works have appeared in Time Out New York, Essence and Seventeen. She co-wrote two biographies for Prometheus Books and her short stories appear in fiction anthologies. Catherine’s first novel, The El, is available from Volossal Publishing. You can learn more about her on her website.

Catherine Gigante-Brown Articles

Image: NY Post

Love, Candice: A Farewell to Candida Royalle

Candida Royalle pretty much invented couples erotica. She made it socially-acceptable. Respectable. The women in her films looked like real women and had real, comfortable female bodies. And her movies actually had stories. Good stories. She hired her friends—adult legends like Annie Sprinkle, Veronicas Hart and Vera, and Gloria Leonard — to create Femme films too.

Children need to be on their own — when it’s safe and the time is right. Image: Thinkstock.

The Joy Of Letting Go: Why You Should Raise Independent Kids

When David was about 12, he told me that he wanted to take the train to school alone. My gut reaction was, “No way in hell!” I mean, we live in a safe neighborhood and all, but David has ADHD and was easily distracted. What if he missed his stop? What if someone messed with him?


The Trials And Tribulations (And Trauma) Of Getting A Good Haircut

I sat obediently in her chair atop four ancient copies of the Yellow Pages. Crossing my fingers, I prayed Catholic schoolgirl prayers.


My Love/Hate Relationship With Makeup

Makeup and I have always had a love/hate relationship: I love it; it hates me.

“Your left ovary is fine,” the nurse practitioner told me over the phone. “But you have a cyst the size of an orange on your right ovary.” Image: Cathy Brown.

For The Girls: A Fond Farewell To My Ovaries

I thought cancer was behind me. Until I had a weird pain near my left ovary which lasted for several days. It felt a lot like ovulation...Only, at 56, that train had left the station a long time ago.


On Aging Gracefully... Sort Of

Wrinkles or lifelines? Chunky or curvaceous? The choice is yours.

The thought that a complete stranger would crochet something to make me feel beautiful — whole, like a woman again — moved me to tears.

A Stranger Knit Me A New Boob

It sounded too good to be true: comfortable, attractive bra inserts for breast cancer survivors like me. I got on the computer, checked out their website, and immediately put in for one.


My Meds Make Me Fat—But They're Worth It

Being a little bit chubby is better than being a lot dead.


Paranoia Is Killing Our Kids' Independence

My husband and I agreed: raising a child with an independent spirit who made decisions for himself was a good thing.
