Catherine Gigante-Brown

Catherine Gigante-Brown


Catherine Gigante-Brown is a freelance writer of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Her works have appeared in Time Out New York, Essence and Seventeen. She co-wrote two biographies for Prometheus Books and her short stories appear in fiction anthologies. Catherine’s first novel, The El, is available from Volossal Publishing. You can learn more about her on her website.

Catherine Gigante-Brown Articles

My Love/Hate Relationship With Makeup

Makeup and I have always had a love/hate relationship: I love it; it hates me.

Americans spend too much time working and not enough time relaxing.

Working It: How Work Sucks For Everyone In America

The overinflated American work ethic is slowly killing us. It’s constantly pushing us to do more — put in longer hours, check business emails on personal time, take calls from our bosses when we’re chilling in Cancun.


My Father Never Said I Love You, But I'll Be Different

I realized my father was from a generation that never said those three little words. He was saying he loved me without them. But I didn't realize it then.


My Meds Make Me Fat—But They're Worth It

Being a little bit chubby is better than being a lot dead.


Cinderella’s Lament: A Woman In A House Of Testosterone

Alas, I am the lone female in a house full of men. Only two men, but they take up a lot of space.

Atop Joppenbergh Mountain in New York, channeling Rosie the Riveter's fierceness

25 Ways To Conquer Chemo

After I got over the initial devastation, I pulled myself up by my big-girl panties and got on with it. Chemo was no picnic—but it was do-able.


8 Tiny Kindnesses: Things To Do For Those In Need

I’m a firm believer that Tiny Kindnesses can change the world, one sweet, loving gesture at a time.


Summer Rental, Summer Love

You learn a lot about people when you live in their home. The Taylors seemed to lead a joyless, Spartan existence.
