Claire Hopple

Claire Hopple


Claire Hopple is a writer of short stories and a columnist for Maudlin House. Originally from Pittsburgh, she currently lives in Nashville with her husband. She's still waiting for someone to give her a firm answer on the Oxford comma. She will eat all of your cupcakes. Find out more at      

Claire Hopple Articles

Make your friends wow out. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Absurd Tablescapes For Your New Year’s Eve Celebration

Hosting a dinner party on New Year’s Eve has never been easier or more accurate than with the following inspirational tablescape concepts

What if fast food becomes convenient... and healthy? Oh the joys!

Fast Food Chains That Are Making An Effort To Serve Real Food

Sometimes just saying the words “fast” and “food” back to back makes us want to sneak a glimpse behind us, waiting for the

A Festivus for the rest of us! (Image: YouTube)

People Actually Celebrate Festivus; Here's What It Looks Like

Though most associate this blessed occasion with Frank Costanza boisterously shouting “A Festivus for the rest of us!” and attempting to wrestle his own son to the ground, Festivus has an even richer history than you might imagine. The list of Festivus supporters is continually growing and the event’s practices are evolving at a rapid clip.

Don't lose your cool without trying these seven tips for mood management.

7 Ways To Quickly Change A Bad Mood

Strange, that bad mood of yours won’t disintegrate with someone shaking you and shouting “Snap out of it!” That alllllways does the trick.

Choose your own adventure.

How To Be A More Adventurous Person

First, if you’re bored, congratulations are in order.

Decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance.

It's Time To Sharpen Those Decision-Making Skills

Whether it’s moving to a different country, starting a new career in a completely different field, or even something tiny like how to compose that text to a friend or which movie to see, decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance. Below are some questions to help you think through tough decisions. But first, keep in mind: no matter your choice, you will most likely be alive when it has run its course. And you will most likely still be you. Deep breaths. Keep reading.

Phone overuse is real; get it under control in 2017.

New Year, Less Tech: How To Break Your Phone Addiction

It's a new year! But it's the same old story with you and your lover, er, I mean, your phone.

Though they don’t give you the ability to fly or powers of invisibility, superfoods can increase your energy levels and endurance.

What The Heck Makes A Superfood Super?

In case you haven’t noticed, food elitism did not go out with the abolishment of the food pyramid. But before you call your broccoli a power-hungry classist, make sure you know your basic facts.

Yes, it’s good to have ADHD. (Image: Thinkstock)

Having ADHD Can Be a Good Thing 

As a former therapist who used to see a lot of children, I understand why parents and teachers want to get a child’s ADHD under control. It’s like a GIF personified, and you can’t look away even when you want to. Whether it’s your own ADHD, your child’s, your spouse’s, or even your close friend’s, it’s easy to only see the negatives without knowing there are loads of benefits. Yes, it’s good to have ADHD. Here’s why.

Get your groove on sans worries with these tips, so you can rock the festival scene like a pro.

Get Your Festival Season Essentials

Good news: Festival season is upon us. Allow yourself to rock with the best of them by compiling your own crucial folk festival kit with these must-have items.
