Joni Edelman

Joni Edelman


Joni Edelman is a 40 year-old mother of five (ages 3 to19!), wife, RN, and freelance writer. Also notable, had a baby in her kitchen. Favorite activities include: gardening, hoarding yarn, cake (baking and eating). Less favorite activities include: laundry, laundry, laundry. Joni has appeared on The Today Show, Inside Edition, The Rachael Ray Show, Weekend Sunrise Australia, Canada AM, and Sirius Radio. In print you can find Joni's story in The Daily Mail, The Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, Yahoo, and a host of others, but you're probably bored of all this nonsense by now. Completely understandable. Joni aspires to inspire. You can check out her personal website here.

Joni Edelman Articles

Even at a month shy of 15, even as a model, even as a young girl who adorned the floor-to-ceiling window of a studio in the center of town, I hated my body. Image: Joni Edelman.

I Thought I Was Fat. Didn't We All?

It doesn’t get any more difficult to insult ourselves, regardless of how old we are. It would be ideal if it got easier to respect ourselves, but it generally doesn’t do that either. Every year you age, and every year the aging you looks at the you of the years before and thinks, I can’t believe I thought I was fat/ugly/etc.


Ask Momma Bare: Is PMS To Blame For Emotional Eating?

At certain points in the month I definitely feel worse about my body. I'm much less confident and more prone to eating the wrong things, and not doing physical exercise.

The end of Brangelina (Image Credit: Georges Biard [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)

Angelina Divorces Brad; Number Of Available Females Skyrockets Globally

Brangelina are splitting up. A sad day for them, a joyful day for single ladies everywhere.


"Hamilton" On Broadway: Hip-Hop History Lesson

Oh hey remember that time in 1804 when Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton had an actual duel, with actual guns and Burr shot Hamilton and Hamilton did not shoot Burr. And then the next day Hamilton died.

Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit.       Courtesy of Thinkstock.

5 Things I Want My Kids To Know About Sex

I want my kids to have an understanding of the truth of sex, the ins, the outs, the details no one wants to ask anyone—least of all their mom.

Our rundown of all the major players in the Trump-Russia-Comey scandal. In short: It's a bad day for Trump, but a really great day for democracy in America. (Image Credit: Flickr/Gage Skidmore)

The Trump Impeachment Playlist: Things Are Not Looking Good For The Don

We've got Trump, Vladimir, Comey, and all the other players lined up for you. Here are the facts, followed by our IRL translation, to make sure you know that you know all abouts that latest (and possibly tenure-ending) Trump scandal.

image credit: Tomás Fano flickr

Eating Too Many Oreos? How About Some Shock Therapy Instead!

This is an article about a real product that exists, that was designed to deliver an electric shock, to YOUR BODY, to stop you from eati

The Spirited Child

All Grown Up: What Becomes Of The Spirited Child?

I don’t think anyone who has been to the spirited child parenting rodeo would call a mother who screams, “bad,” or who loses her temper, a “failure.” I think we all understand parenting is really really hard from the get go, and parenting a kid who won’t sleep, who screams and kicks and says they hate you, is its own challenge

My spiritual awakening found its way.

In Search Of A Spiritual Awakening

I guess the point of a spiritual awakening is just that; if you were already awake, you wouldn’t need a moment that was self-defining. You’d already be defined.


8 Things You Should Know Before You Jump On The Backyard Chicken Bandwagon

And what’s better than eggs? Eggs direct from the cloaca of your own chicken.
