mental health

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Bob Barker Gave Me These Freckles: Suicide In A Patriarchal Society

Suicide is a calculated escape from desperation—it is also a paralytic of the patriarchy, used to thin the herd of potential disruptors.


How To Keep Everyone At Arm’s Length And Never Enjoy An Authentic Human Connection: An Essential Guide

If you're trying to avoid a balanced life filled with real connections with others, I'm here to let you know—you too can realize this fantasy!


Why Do We Mourn Robin Williams And Endlessly Mock Amanda Bynes?

Is 2015 the year we will finally take an honest look at our country’s dealings with mental illness?

Credit: Thinkstock

'Tis The Season . . . To Pretend There's No Season At All

This season is hard. So I'm pretending it doesn't exist. You're welcome to join!


Oregon School Shooting Begs the Question: How Does This Violence Affect Students?

Fear of this magnitude—i.e. possible violent death—shouldn't have a place at school.


On Being "Crazy": A Day In My Life With Bipolar Disorder

Psychiatric illness is still stigmatized. And that’s hard when you have a psychiatric illness.

Credit: Thinkstock

The Good And Bad Of My Bipolar II Diagnosis And Demeanor

I’m lucky to be smart, to have an astonishingly good memory. Or maybe I’m lucky to be bipolar.


An Open Letter to the Media: Stop Your Irresponsible Coverage of Robin Williams' Death

It’s time to institute best practices for covering mental illness. Happily there are years of in-depth research designed to do just that. The media just ignore it.
