
An important factor for surviving the teen years is keeping a sense of humor.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Raising Teenagers

There's a popular saying that "Raising teens is like trying to nail jello to a wall" — and this is a perfect metaphor for parenting teenagers.

Mommy gets to swear because Mommy isn't nine.

Why I Won’t Stop Swearing In Front Of My Kid

I have earned the right to swear simply by being an adult. Mommy gets to swear because Mommy isn't nine.

To my daughter: Keep broadcasting to the world, little girl.

My Child Talks To Strangers 

She will talk to strangers in the supermarket, at Target, at Toys ‘R Us, at the park, at the bank, and the post office.

As toddlers, they want their own way 100% of the time — that’s their primary objective in life.

Parenting Mistakes: Giving Kids Too Many Choices

For years my partner told me that I gave my kids too many choices.


My Kids Think I've Lost My Sh*t

The goddamn election has turned me into a cursing motherf*#+er.

Amanda Jordan via Unsplash

The Invisibility Of Motherhood

I didn't have even an ounce of energy to spare to process my own feelings. Everything I had went to my son.

We waded through this uncomfortable place in our relationship.

I Knew It Was Time To Wean When Breastfeeding Became A Trigger 

When the time came, I knew. I felt it in my gut, and in my body, each time my muscles tensed up at her request to nurse.

It's okay to be conflicted about raising a boy.

How Am I Going To Be A Mother To A Boy?

Yesterday I found out my baby is a boy and I haven't really stopped crying since.
