
They are enough — even if they don't get the perfect attendance award, especially if they don't get the perfect attendance award.

The “Perfect Attendance” Award: Are We Promoting Suffer-Culture?

Suffering is America’s favorite thing to do. We starve ourselves to lose weight, and we’re a success story. We don’t sleep, and we’re just getting SO MUCH DONE. We do a thousand things a day and involve our kids in a thousand activities, because somehow, in some perverted way, that makes us successful.


Will My Anxious Child Ever Have Friends?

The idea of trying to be friends with someone “different” might be more than a 5-year-old is meant to handle.

Teaching your children the value of all cultures instead of just your culture will help them to include those who have different backgrounds.

5 Ways To Raise Inclusive Kids

One way to combat negative outcomes post-election is to raise more inclusive children.

Sometimes a drink helps me become a mom who is a little more playful, a little less stressed.

Can Alcohol Make You A Better Mom? 

I am the best mom ever after I’ve had a drink. Notice I said… A DRINK. Well, maybe a drink or two, depending on the poison. Not a plastered mom — just a happy mom.

image credit: Andrew Branch via Unsplash

But What If Spanking Your Kids Actually Works?

I don’t think I can say I learned anything from being hit, except for fear. I learned to be afraid of her.

image credit: London Scout via Unsplash

Parenthood And The Passage Of Time

But what can be said for the day upon which I am no longer enough? I dread that day.

image credit: Staci Sheets

First Kid VS Fifth Kid: From Sterilized Pacifiers To "Here, Suck On My Keys."

I'm not saying that I've got this parenting thing nailed, but I am saying that I've done it five times which is worth something.
