
Not pictured: a filling breakfast.

Celebrity Diet Nonsense

In an interview last week for The Cut, Bernadette Peters made some absurd statements about how she eats to stay in shape. “It turns out there's no shortcut,” The Cut notes, “just a lifetime of exercise and extremely healthy eating” — except if you keep reading, you’ll see this relationship with food doesn’t sound healthy at all.

“Lately, I’ve gone back to coffee,” the two-time Tony-winning actress begins the interview, as if she’s admitting to a heroin relapse. She goes on to share that her typical breakfast consists of “three little smiles” of grapefruit and a spoonful of hemp powder.

This — which is all of about 50 calories — is fuel for a morning trip to the gym.

Good bras are never cheap, and cheap bras are seldom any good.

The Real Reason Good Bras Are So F#%king Expensive

It is a truth universally acknowledged that there is no such thing as a perfect bra. More annoying is the equally-universally acknowledged truth that good bras are never cheap, and cheap bras are seldom any good.

Punishing people who seek abortion is a tactic the anti-choice movement has always used.

"Punishing" Women For Seeking Abortion Is Nothing New

The anti-choice movement is and has always been about fear and shame. If it weren't, you’d see anti-abortion protestors standing outside clinics with charter buses that take patients to social work centers where they assist them in getting housing, childcare, job support — including maternity leave, enrollment in food programs, and parenting classes.

Image: Wikipedia/Glenn Francis.

Why Spouses Shouldn't Be Off-Limits In Politics

When Americans pick a president, they are looking for someone who is right for the moment. A person who speaks for the time, who is equipped to react and respond accordingly.

The FDA released new label guidelines for Mifeprex, also known as mifepristone.

New FDA Medical Abortion Guidelines To Allow At-Home Procedure

It’s that last phrase — “at a location appropriate to the patient” — that is the biggest deal. What that means is the doctor and patient can, together, decide where the patient can take the second dose and complete the abortion process. For many (if not most) patients, the most appropriate location is at home.

Overviews of research have found that cohorts often contain an inadequate number of women and that researchers fail to break down findings by sex.

Where Are All The Women In HIV/AIDS Research?

While women comprise half of the HIV-positive population in the United States, they are less than 20% of the subject in anti-retroviral drug studies.

Not pictured: Sarandon, for the sake of my blood pressure.

Susan Sarandon And The World's Oldest Wombat

I want to know how much yoga a person would have to do to be able to vote with their vagina. And kegels. Sooooo many kegels.


Man Pulls Gun On Police At Capitol Visitors Center

Evidently, the man reached the security checkpoint of the Visitors Center and pulled a gun on the security force, whose job it is to prevent people with guns from infiltrating the Capitol complex and taking out US lawmakers. They shot the guy and sent him off to the the hospital for surgery. His condition is currently unknown.
