
Mental Health Of The Underprivileged Is More Vulnerable After A Natural Disaster

For the mental health of underprivileged victims of natural disaster, navigating the aftermath can be as much a struggle as surviving the original disaster.

Even if you desperately need help, even if you want it, it's sometimes very hard to ask for it. Here are easy ways to help a new parent!

Easy Ways To Help A New Parent

Even if you desperately need help, even if you want it, it's sometimes very hard to ask for it. So here are some easy ways to help a new parent!

Google! A walk is not a cupcake!

A Walk Is Not A Cupcake: Google's Worst Idea Yet

Hey Google - encouraging people to walk, while ignoring there are plenty of people with disabilities, is engaging in ableism. Cupcakes only make it worse!


It And Other Horror Films Inspired By Paintings

Directors and other movie magicians alike have used their platforms to bring paintings to life. Here are horror films inspired by paintings.


When Sexism Drives You To Create A Pretend Dude

Reinforcing an oppressive sexism system so that you can get what you want is an option, but perhaps not one to be quite so proud of.

I am taking accountability and making this ugliness public so that others struggling with their own misogyny might recognize themselves and take steps to heal, too.

Me, Too: Confronting My Own Misogyny 

Me, Too: confronting my own misogyny. Change can’t come from a social media campaign alone, but from constant personal diligence by us all.

Ways to dress like every day is Halloween!

15 Ways To Dress Like Every Day Is Halloween

The best part about Halloween is having free rein to dress a little whimsically and spooky all month long. Let's all dress like every day is Halloween!

Chadai C as Audrey Horne.

Halloween Inspiration From Twin Peaks Cosplayers Of Color

With summer firmly in the rearview mirror and autumn’s pumpkins spicing up our beverages and wardrobe tones, it’s finally every grown-up kid’s favo
