Matt Joseph Diaz

Matt Joseph Diaz


Matt Joseph Diaz is a public speaker and social media activist tackling the issues of body image and self love. Matt has been working in social media since the age of 15, and has a long history of creating online content for entertainment and educational purposes. Matts videos have accrued over 120 million views in countries all over the world as well as being featured in People, Cosmopolitan, Buzzfeed, Upworthy and numerous other news websites. He now spend a lot of his time traveling and speaking on self love at conferences, colleges and public events. Matt Joseph Diaz currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.   

Matt Joseph Diaz Articles

#MondayMotivation With Matt Joseph Diaz: Dealing With A Diagnosis

This week, we're spotlighting mental health in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. Tune in to today's #MondayMotivation as Matt discusses his own diagnosis, and how to be kind to yourself even when a new diagnosis feels scary and hard.

"There is always someone who loves you. There is always someone who cares."

Mondays With Matt: Why Faith In Humanity Still Matters

"There is always someone who loves you. There is always someone who cares."

Awaiting death's sweet embrace. Image: Thinkstock.

5 Ways To Deal With Cabin Fever

I’m recovering from some pretty major surgery that has made it really uncomfortable to move around. In addition, because of the painkillers and antibiotics, obviously, I’m not allowed to drink or basically do anything I enjoy anymore.

Mondays With Matt

Mondays With Matt: Are You Feeling Unsafe, Or Uncomfortable?

Feeling unsafe and feeling uncomfortable aren't the same. Pushing yourself into uncomfortable places can help you grow.


People are always surprised when they find out I have really severe social anxiety.

#MondaysWithMatt: What If Nobody Wants Me Around? 

It's Monday — Boo! But, it's also time for another installment of #MondaysWithMatt — Yeah! 

#MondaysWithMatt: Supporting your partner through mental illness

#MondaysWithMatt: You Cannot "Cure" Your Partner's Mental Illness

Think of #MondaysWithMatt as the ultimate #MondayMotivation. Today's topic is how to handle mental health in a partner.

"Why do we feel that strange mixture of conflicted emotions every time we see someone we sort of know get engaged?" Image: Thinkstock

So Your Friends Are Getting Engaged, And You're Having An Existential Crisis

Between all of the political arguments and videos of dogs being excited to see their owners, I’m noticing a trend appearing all over my timeline — seemingly increasing every week. A lot of fucking people are getting engaged.


#MondaysWithMatt: Always Remember Your Self-Care Days

There's nothing wrong with taking a break to recharge and re-center.

Matt Joseph Diaz. Image: Wilfredo Ruiz/

Where Are All The Body Positive Men?

Vulnerability is a sign of strength, not weakness, and those who see being open and sincere as symbols of fragility have a skewed idea of vulnerability. It takes NO strength to close yourself off from the world — to refuse to be who you are because you’re afraid of the reaction of those around you. Feeling deeply and openly, even in the face of resistance, is what takes true strength.

Don't be Krabby. Image: Ian Anderson

Your Disinterest In Things Doesn't Make You Cool Or Mature

Those who would find themselves genuinely excited about simple, fun things are often written off as losers with nothing better to do, while the jaded pat themselves on the back for how mature and intelligent they so obviously are. However, the longer you look at it, the more you begin to notice that it’s quite the opposite.
