
No retail "therapy" here.

When Shopping For Clothes Is Traumatizing

I have to go shopping tomorrow and I’m dreading it.

To the dude who said women shouldn't wear yoga pants: Puh-lease.

Yoga Pants Are Not A Crime

Since the day that cavewomen first put on the fur pelt of a skinned cave-tiger, men - of the cave variety...

I never pay retail for anything (unless it’s from an independent designer, because we have to support the little guys) and I always hold out for what I love. Image: Thinkstock.

Why You Should Never  Shop For Occasions

When I help people clean out their wardrobes, the items I come across that hang in the back closet never seeing the light of day are usually pieces purchased in a frenzy — out of necessity instead of joy.

“Showing skin isn’t exclusive to smaller girls. It’s okay for a plus-size woman to let her body breathe in her clothing,” [Mariposa] said.

'We Wear What We Want' Is The Body Positive Movement We All Need

LA-based plus-size model Simone Mariposa has sparked a social media chain of women who refuse to let the opinions of others dictate their clothing choices. “Every plus-size girl has had to bear the terrible brunt of being judged/policed for what we wear and how we wear it,” she tweeted.

As long as they're clothed, right?

My Daughter Doesn't Want To Wear "Girl" Clothes. Why Should She?

It got me thinking, why are there boys and girls sections in department stores like Target? What about the girl who doesn't want to wear a pink sparkly dress? She wants to wear a blue shirt with the truck on it. What about the boy who wants to wear a pink shirt with purple stripes? Is he not allowed to do that because it's in the "girls" section?


Tina Walinda: Project Coordinator for Documentary Film School

Spotted: Ferry Building, SF


Dana Weiss: The Possessionista 

TV Fashion, Brought To You Via Blog


6 Easy Ways To Take All The Fun Out Of Fashion

While flipping through a fashion magazine the other day, I was shocked at the revelation that “beachy hair at the beach” is now co
