Kelly Burch

Kelly Burch


Kelly Burch is a writer and editor based in New Hampshire. She is the editor of Renew Magazine, a lifestyle publication for people who are in recovery from addiction. She writes frequently about mental illness and addiction issues, and anything else that catches her attention. You can connect with Kelly and read more of her work on her blog or on Facebook.   

Kelly Burch Articles

Founders Jen Jones & Cynthia Hornig

Meet The Minds Behind The Crowdfunding Site Made By Women, For Women

Any woman living in the United States can submit a campaign for consideration. The team reviews the application and works with the campaign creator to put her story forward in the most compelling way.

The scale isn't the best indictor of health — no matter how old you are.

My Daughter’s Failure To Thrive Taught Me To Ignore the Scale

“Then why are you so worried about the scale?” Why was I? I had finally let go of the scale as an indicator of my own health, but my inability to do the same when it came to my daughter was bringing up the same old feelings of inadequacy and frustration.


10 Things I Learned Flying Around The World With An Infant

Just like kids who kick the seat in front of them and middle-aged women who get drunk and chatty on long flights, crying babies are a fact of life.

Don't be overwhelmed by environmental causes! These are five easy ways to make a difference in your own neck of the woods.

5 Ways To Make A Difference This Earth Day

Issues like climate change, energy poverty and social justice causes that intersect with environmentalism can be sometimes feel daunting. However, there are plenty of ways you can make a small difference today. Here are a few.

Know your weapon.

How I Found My Middle Ground In The Gun Debate

My husband brought home his first gun while I was at work. When I came in he pointed to it proudly, while I stood firmly on the other side of the room, looking at the firearm like it was an unpredictable animal that could spring up to bite me at any moment.

There are ways to help a family in mental health crisis.

6 Ways To Help A Family In Mental Health Crisis

No having a community rally in support, like it is supposed to during a crisis, can make a family in mental health crisis feel shamed and stigmatized.
